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Blue Line Investigations & Security Solutions LLC is a Private Detective / Security Agency that serves all of Wisconsin. Our team is exclusively retired Law Enforcement Officers with a wide variety of experience and specializations in order to tailor our services to meet your needs.




Private Security - Protection for a person, place, or thing that is tailored to the client and better than what is available in the public sector.


Layoffs - On-site security that ensures layoffs of employees happen without incident.


Executive Protection - Security and risk mitigation measures taken to ensure the safety of VIP's. These may be overt, covert, or a blend of the two.


Disgruntled Employee - On-site security to prevent a terminated employee, who has been identified as a concern, from returning to a business.


Fire Watch Post - Monitoring a building in which the locks or fire prevention system is compromised.


Surveillance - The systematic and covert monitoring of individuals, groups, locations, or activities to gather information, maintain security, or investigate potential threats or criminal activities.


Asset Search - Locating the assets, both public and hidden, of other people or corporate identities.


Background Checks - A thorough check of people's background used for employment screening or legal needs.


Child Support / Custody - To locate individuals who owe child support / Investigations of individuals to show the best custody situation for children.


Civil - Investigations for civil matters.


Cold Cases - Investigations into crimes or suspected crimes which remain unsolved and are not currently being investigated.


Crime Scene - Protecting, processing, and reconstruction of a crime to determine what happened and who the guilty parties are.


Criminal - Investigations for criminal matters.


Domestic - Investigations that revolve around individuals and their legal problems.


Fraud - Investigations that examine the evidence to determine whether or not fraud occurred, how it occurred, who was involved, and how much money was lost.


Infidelity (Cheating Spouse) - Conducting surveillance of spouses or domestic partners who are suspected of having extramarital affairs.


Insurance - Investigating insurance claims that are suspicious or otherwise in doubt.


Missing Persons - The process of locating and finding individuals who have disappeared under circumstances that are considered out of the ordinary or unexplained.


Process Service - Delivering legal documents to individuals involved in legal proceedings.


People Locate (Skip Trace) - Investigations, usually using online resources not available to the public, to find individuals who are difficult to locate.


Stalking / Restraining Orders - Investigations to document stalking in order to obtain a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) or Restraining Order (RO) / Documenting violations of TRO's and RO's to pass on to Law Enforcement.


Witness Locating - The process of finding and locating individuals who may have witnessed a particular event or have relevant information for legal cases or investigations. 


Workers Compensation - Investigations to prevent fraudulent or exaggerated claims, protect the interests of insurance providers or employers, and ensure that compensation is appropriately provided only to eligible individuals.


We offer many investigative and security services. If you don't see the service you need on the list above, please contact us.

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Member of The Professional Association of Wisconsin Licensed Investigators, Inc.

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